My long weekend was cut a bit short. Actually it kind of turned into a normal 2 day rest from work as opposed to the 4 day break that I was expecting. My former M.T. teacher happens to be the H.R. director for this other transcription company and they needed a little help so he asked me to come and do some files for them last Saturday and, surprisingly, I actually went and what's even more unbelievable is that I got there on time. Can you imagine? I got my ass out off bed at 630am on a Saturday and was actually were I was supposed to be a good 15 mins. before I was supposed to show up for something! Me thinks times are a-changin'...
When I was working at call centers, I was extremely opposed to working on all my rest days. Even it was just for some re-training thing that they were doing - which sort of means that they were paying me double to listen to someone talk and try very hard not to fall asleep but I didn't care. Rest days were rest days. If you wanna train me, train me during regular business days. My time is not worth merely double what you normally pay me is what I'd always say. It isn't that I always had better things to do, it's just working in a call center, especially if you do customer service, is such a high stress thing that If don't get my full 48 hours of down-time, by the middle of the week I find myself having to resist the urge to start throwing people out of open windows.
And yet there I was last Saturday. I could've blown the thing off but I chose to do it. I just felt like earning a little (as in very little, I tell you) something extra on the side instead of lying in bed watching bad T.V. all day. I even ended up sort of volunteering for to do more work on Sunday and even offered to do some of the files at home.
Gosh... am I starting to become responsible? Yucch!!! Shoot me now. hehe. But then again I suppose it is about time. I am not getting any younger (I glanced at my face's reflection on a jeepney's side mirror today and I think I actually saw where my wrinkles were going to show up... eventually). I'm just surprised at how growing up has become so "non-painful" for me.
I started my OJT 3 days ago. This morning the girl in charge, whose name I do not know (what's new?), pulled me into the pantry and sheepishly told me that they would have to pull the OJTs out for a couple of days because they did not have enough computer stations. Apparently, she thought that we would all be upset by this because instead of just telling me and the other OJTs outright that the soonest possible time for the OJTs to come back is Monday, she went and did this whole thing about explaining computer networks, how they work, how viruses get into a computer and how they spread and how sorry they are for the inconvenience that this is causing us when the whole time, I was just hoping that this meant that I could go home earlier than usual today and not have to be back until next week.
After a few more minutes she finally finished her speech and said that we could all go home. Within 2 minutes I was out the door headed to the FX stop 3 blocks away from the office.
While I was walking only one thought was going through my mind - I've only been doing this pseudo-job for 3 days and I've already been given a long weekend... I think I've found what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life.