Been reading some of my past posts lately. It's kind of fun reading about the things that were of such a great concern for me that I actually had to write about them.
I used to blog a lot. There was a 6-month period there about 2 years ago when I would post something new almost everyday. Now I'm reduced to blogging about my blog. Bleeeccch... How pathetic is that? What the fuck happened to the life that I used to find so interesting?
My theory is that being in "actual official relationships" have a way of sucking the passion out of me. Every time I'm in one of those things, I get lost in a snowstorm and instead of trying to find my way out, I dig a hole in the ground and just hibernate until it's over. Which is really silly because, as far as I know, humans are incapable of hibernating. Bears, frogs, and a lot of other animals do that but humans don't. And why the heck did I come up with a snowstorm metaphor anyway? Like I've ever been in one before?!? I've obviously been watching too much Discovery Channel lately. Ehehe. Anyway, where was I? Oh, passion-sucking relationships, right.
Some may argue that I've been in relationships with the wrong people. The thing is, I've always been lucky enough to find myself with people who seem right because they are sooo "good-on-paper". None of them were just "experimenting" and none of them were what you would consider high-maintenance. They weren't psychos(at least not while they were with me) and they didn't make me go psychotic either. But then again maybe that's the problem.
So now, I resolve to never get into another one of those silly things again unless I'm absolutely certain that I feel the overwhelming desire to be in there. If I have any doubts at all, then I'll just walk away. Problem is that based on the data I've gathered so far, I KNOW that if I like anybody that much, then there's a 99.99% probability that I won't stand a chance in hell with them. [If you know me well enough, then you probably know what I'm talking about*. If you don't then first, "Why they hell are you reading this?!? You are in dire need of a hobby if you're wasting your time on this!" and second, if you want proof, discussing how I came up with the 99.99% probability thing will take a while and I'm not in the mood to get into that right now because I'm too sleepy and I'm a little bummed because I've just been ignored by one of those people that I could possibly like enough to make me choose frostbite and hypothermia over hole-digging.] Isn't knowing that automatic cause for doubt? So does this mean I'm supposed to walk away from everyone?
Oh well, at least I'm wide awake now. The snowstorm's over and I'm headed to the beach. Yippee! :p
*compare Nice and everyone else that I've ever really really liked to a girl whose name starts with a letter E.